Testing at Maximum Rated Load

Testing Alpha i, Alpha, Beta i, and Beta Servo Amplifiers under 60 amps at Maximum Rated Load.
NEW! Now also testing C-Series and Vintage Drives
For decades, we have tested all our parts under load.
Now with our proprietary Maximum Rated Load Tester, we are able to push the envelope to help ensure we Deliver Uptime with industry-leading quality.
Customers trust EASYCNC Industrial because they know we have an extensive array of Fanuc Test Systems installed at our facility. Our substantial investment in testing capabilities mean we can duplicate their CNC control systems because we have one for each Fanuc model application installed in our facility. Customers can trust their part is being tested on a control system that matches their application.
Our competitors without such extensive test systems must “simulate” and use a generic control or a partial Fanuc control. This type of testing can lead to “control system faults” not being able to be detected.
We are able test all the Fanuc parts we sell and repair under load to help ensure the parts you receive Deliver Uptime by working right out of the box.
Now, we have taken our commitment to testing even further with our Maximum Rated Load testing program. These new testers ensure the customer will receive a part that can operate reliably, without faults in the most severe conditions.
Our new, maximum load stands apply the maximum load current, including the all-important “startup surge current” (as stated by the manufacturer). Maximum current is pulled from electronics from each axis and in both directions. We do this while continually monitoring all “fault” conditions. Typically, the “start-up” load current far surpasses that of normal operating conditions.
TIE’s Load Testing Strategy ensures electronics will perform in even the most extreme environments.
Currently Testing Under Maximum Rated Load:
Alpha i Drives
Alpha Drives
Beta Drives
Beta i Drives
C Series
Vintage Drives